the secret to copywriting that sellsšŸ’°

Hey, Nico here.

You may have noticed that I changed the name of the newsletter.

Itā€™s now ā€œthe Hookā€ instead of ā€œthe Honor Rollā€.

I just wanted to address the elephant in the newsletter before things got awkward. šŸ˜

I changed the name because Iā€™m changing my brand positioning.

Let me (briefly) explain.

I assume youā€™re well acquainted with the power of having a niche?

Well, this was my niche:

  • Marketing Strategy & Lead Gen Copywriting
  • For small businesses (1$-$10 million per year)
  • Established Course creators

While speaking with my friend Russ recently, he helped me realize that I didnā€™t need that extra niche-layer (course creators).

And while I still love serving info product businesses, this shift opens up new and different opportunities.

But thatā€™s enough about me.

Letā€™s get to the heart of the matter.

This week ā€¦

  • The Secret to Copywriting āœļø That Sells šŸ’°

Letā€™s get started.

The Secret to Copywriting āœļø That Sells šŸ’°

Some people consider copywriting a license to print money. šŸ’ø


Well, itā€™s that rare combination of someone who can write the words for your marketing assets (like FB ads, emails, website, etcā€¦) and sell your products and services.

But what makes a good copywriter?

And more importantly, how can you get better at it yourself?

Iā€™ve been studying copywriting and marketing for 3+ years now.

Iā€™ve bought:

šŸ‘‰ 10 courses

šŸ‘‰ 1 certification

šŸ‘‰ 5 books

šŸ‘‰ 1 conference

And I can tell you without a doubt what the secret to great copywriting isā€¦

And, on top of that, I can pretty much guarantee that youā€™re NOT going to like the answer.

You might even stop reading this newsletter once you find out šŸ˜‚.

The Secret:

  • Is NOT knowing which persuasion formula to use (although thatā€™s important!)
  • Is NOT having a product or service that is better, or the best in the world
  • Is NOT a subscription to ChatGPT 4 šŸ¤–


The secret is much simpler.

I discovered that even regular business owners can be extremely good at copywriting because they know the secret.

Although, they didnā€™t even know they were doing it.

The secret:

ā€¦ is RESEARCH.



Hello? ā€¦

Are you still here?

Well, if you havenā€™t rage-quit this newsletter yet, then allow me to reward you with some tools that will set you up for copywriting success.

But before I get to the tools.

Let me clarify what I mean by research.

What Does "Research" Even Mean?

Before I ever write a single word of copy, I spend a ton of time researching who the audience is.

What their ultimate desire is, and why they want it.

I build a buyer persona, and lock in on what problems are getting in the way of that desire.

Because the best copywriting often comes from the persona themselves.

The words they use are some of the most powerful and insightful combinations of letters and spaces that I wouldnā€™t have thought of.

Thatā€™s why a business owner who knows his customer well will tend have a pretty good sense of what to sayā€”because he understands his audience.

The difference between me and most business ownersā€”is that Iā€™m intentional about learning these things.

I know what Iā€™m looking for.

The good news isā€¦

You might be better at copywriting than you thinkā€¦

The Process For Unlocking Better Copywriting:

If your Facebook ads arenā€™t converting well. If your emails arenā€™t getting opened. If your sales page isnā€™t sellingā€¦

Then letā€™s get you set up with the tools to unlock better copywriting and sell more of your products and services.

Step 1: Research:

I find the words my audience uses from:

  • Amazon book reviews
  • Competitors websites
  • Testimonials from similar products
  • Facebook groups
  • Paid communities
  • Online forums

I'm looking for themes, repeated sentences, pain points, problems, and dream outcomes.

Step 2: Answer these questions:

  1. What is this person anxious about?
  2. What motivates this person to take action?
  3. What does this person remember fondly from their past?
  4. What does this person find complicated in their life?
  5. What information does this person find valuable?
  6. How motivated is this person by money? Explain.
  7. How motivated is this person by health and wellness? Explain.
  8. How motivated is this person by design and aesthetics? Explain.
  9. What does this person find fun or entertaining?
  10. What does this person find dangerous or risky in their life?
  11. What titles, positions, or roles is this person proud of?
  12. What titles, positions, or roles does this person aspire to?
  13. How does this person spend their average day?
  14. How motivated is this person by their outward appearance? Explain.


Once I start to get a sense of who my persona is, I list out all the desires the persona has in a spreadsheet.

Like this:

Step 3: Put it all together:

Now I use ChatGPT to help me build a comprehensive buyer persona on one document.


-I want you to help me build a buyer persona. What types of information would you need from me?

At which point I get a list of categories to use.

Then, I copy and paste everything I know about my persona, and ask chatGPT to organize the information according to the list is just gave me.

Here is everything I know about my persona:
[paste everything you discovered through research about them]


Now I want you to organize all relevant information and build a buyer persona using the the categories you gave me.

Once Iā€™ve got a comprehensive persona, I ask ChatGPT to become the persona and ask it any questions I might want to know.

*Make sure you save the persona to a Google doc or somewhere safe so that you can come back to it.*

Write Better Copy and Sell More

With this process alone...

Without any other copywriting training...

You would become a better copywriter than most business owners.

Happy researching! šŸ¤“

Thanks So Much for Reading!

Was that helpful? What do you want to learn next?

Just reply to this email.

I read every response personally and love hearing from you.

Keep Learning,


P.S. While Iā€™m an AI-savvy marketer, and use it more and more in my workflowā€”this newsletter was 100% written by a human.

I consider this a special placeā€”a human-to-human type of vibe.

And since Iā€™m not perfect, there are undoubtedly some typos sprinkled throughout.

Just like the newsletter, all typos are free. šŸ˜‰

the Hook

Marketing advice for founders to build a business they're proud of. Get actionable insights to generate more leads and sales for your small business. A ~6 min read delivered straight to your inbox every 2nd Friday.

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