the secret to building a 💰million-dollar brand

If you’re worried your brand is getting lost in the sea of competition...

or maybe you’re just not sure what makes your business unique

Then let’s look at how thought leaders like Donald Miller, Dave Ramsey, and Stephen Covey built successful brands with powerful frameworks.

Take a Look at This:

This is Donald Miller’s Story Brand 7 (SB7) Framework. And it’s the secret sauce behind his marketing genius

Here are some of the business assets he has that use the SB7 Framework:

  • Book (Building a StoryBrand)
  • Online course
  • In-person event
  • Certification (as a StoryBrand Certified Guide)

Now Check This Out:

This is how Dave Ramsey simplified financial freedom with his 7 Baby Steps.

Business assets he has that use the 7 Baby Steps:

  • Book
  • Online course(s)
  • Annual live event
  • Radio show

Now Check This Out:

Here we’ve got another Donald Miller classic.

The Small Business Flight Plan—where he compares growing a small business to building an airplane.

Business assets he has that use the Small Business Flight Plan:

  • Book (How to Grow Your Small Business)
  • Online course + community
  • Certification (Become a Certified Small Business Coach)
  • Keynote speeches

Lastly, Check Out This Classic Framework

If you’re into personal development, you’ve probably heard of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Business assets he had that used it:

  • Book (on the best-seller list for 4 years)
  • Management Consulting Services
  • Keynote speeches

The Power of a Framework:

Frameworks are powerful for several reasons.

1.They Position You as Unique in the Market

When I create a Strategic Growth Plan for my clients, I use the OP4 framework:

One of the 5 essential elements of a strategic marketing plan is how you decide to position yourself against your competition.

And one of the easiest ways to do that is with a framework.


Because the way you think about your topic is unique. No one else will come up with the same methodology.

Whether your expertise lies in:

  • Marketing
  • Fitness
  • Leadership
  • Finances
  • etc…

Creating a framework around your process for solving your customer's problems—positions you as a unique authority.

2. It Gives You a Content Marketing Plan

Not sure what content you should be posting to social media?

Not anymore!

All you have to do is keep pulling bits and pieces from your framework.

Focus on either a specific part of the framework, or go broad.

The choice is yours.

3. You Can Create Multiple Business Assets Around it

Look how many products and services the thought leaders I mentioned created:

  • Books
  • Keynote speeches
  • Online Courses
  • Coaching & Consulting services
  • Live events
  • Etc…

4. You Invite Your Customers into a Story

“Always position your customer as the hero and your brand as the guide. Always. If you don’t, you will die.” —Donald Miller

A framework helps customers visualize the journey they need to take.

While at the same time, positioning you as the guide because you have a proven process for overcoming their challenges.

What’s Your framework?

If you’re a coach, consultant, or creator…

If you’re struggling to figure out what makes your brand unique …

If you’re not sure what to post on social media…

Then creating a framework is essential to your success.

How to get started:

This process will look different for everyone.

But here’s how I go about it, and hopefully, you’ll get a few ideas of your own.

  • Clear your mind (Meditate for 15 minutes / Go for a walk outside)
  • Build a swipe file of frameworks you like
  • Start doodling with good old-fashioned pen and paper
  • Test your framework (Try to break it—run it through scenarios)
  • Name it
  • Design it
  • Start talking about it in your marketing (website, social media, emails…)

Bonus: Use ChatGPT (or your AI of choice) to evaluate your formula.

Have it run your framework through different scenarios. Ask it how the framework could be even better.

Get it to brainstorm different naming options if you’re feeling stuck.

Building Your Million-Dollar Brand

Frameworks are strategic tools that position you uniquely in the market, streamline your content creation, and open doors to multiple revenue streams.

So get started by building your framework today.

Thanks So Much for Reading!

Want me to cover something in an upcoming newsletter? Just hit reply and let me know! ✌️

Keep Learning,


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P.P.S. This newsletter was crafted by a human, so there might be a few typos. Consider them part of the charm! 😉

the Hook

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